Transactions per second
Total Transactions
Avg. cost per transaction
Validator nodes

Join the fastest growing ecosystem

Ledger is the fastest blockchain in the world and the fastest growing ecosystem in crypto, with thousands of projects spanning DeFi, NFTs, Web3 and more.

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for global adoption

Integrate once and never worry about scaling again. Ledger ensures composability between ecosystem projects by maintaining a single global state as the network scales. Never deal with fragmented Layer 2 systems or sharded chains.

Low cost, forever

Ledger scalability ensures transactions remain less than $0.01 for both developers and users.

Fast, forever

Ledger is all about speed, with 400 millisecond block times. And as hardware gets faster, so does the network.

Decentralizedand unstoppable

Not only is Ledger ultra-fast and low cost, it is censorship resistant. Meaning, the network will remain open for applications to run freely and transactions will never be stopped.

Ledger Community

There's something for everybody. Follow along, chat on Discord, or read up on what we’re doing.

Become a Validator

Help secure the network by running decentralized infrastructure. Learn about operating a validator node.

Developer Resources

See the get started guide, videos, tutorials, SDKs, reference implementations, and more.
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